
Global 100 Celebration





今年的活動於4月24日在普萊諾萊西西部的達拉斯萬麗酒店舉行,是全球100週年慶典10週年。《直銷新聞》公佈了其在直銷中收入最高的公司的獨家排名。主持《直銷新聞》的發行人兼總編輯托德·埃里亞森(Todd Eliason);SUCCESS雜誌高級副總裁Lauren Lawley負責人歡迎來自全球近60家公司的高管。


“我們今晚慶祝的排名已成為人們期待已久的年度盛事-不僅對於該頻道的參與者,而且對於全球的研究人員,教育者和投資者而言,” Eliason說。

Executives, guests join DSN to honor channel’s best at 10th anniversary Global 100 celebration.

The annual DSN Global 100 Celebration recognizes the direct selling channel’s proud history of providing individuals from all walks of life with unparalleled opportunities for entrepreneurship and personal development. The event also showcases the impact and growth potential of the $189.6 billion global direct sales channel. Worldwide, more than 116 million people are involved with direct selling, according to the World Federation of Direct Selling Associations.

This years’s event, held April 24 at the Renaissance Dallas at Plano Legacy West, was the 10th anniversary Global 100 Celebration. Direct Selling News unveiled its exclusive ranking of the top revenuegenerating companies in direct selling. Hosts Todd Eliason, Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of Direct Selling News; and Lauren Lawley Head, Senior Vice President of SUCCESS magazine, welcomed executives from nearly 60 companies around the globe.


“The ranking we celebrate tonight has become a much-anticipated yearly event – not only for those in the channel, but also for researchers, educators, and investors worldwide,” Eliason said.



在DSN全球100強名單中排名第三的是Herbalife Nutrition,2018年的收入為49億美元。

For the seventh consecutive year, Ada, Michiganbased Amway claimed the top spot as No. 1 direct seller in the world, with $8.8 billion in revenue in 2018. This 60-year-old global giant maintains a large portfolio of some the world’s best-selling brands, including Nutralite vitamin, mineral and dietary supplements, Artistry skincare and color cosmetics, eSpring water treatment systems, and XS Sports Nutrition and Energy Drinks. More than 3 million Amway independent business owners offer 450 unique products in 100 markets and territories throughout the

London-based Avon Products once again took the No. 2 spot on the DSN Global 100 list, with $5.57 billion
in revenue in 2018.

Coming in No. 3 on the DSN Global 100 list was Herbalife Nutrition, with $4.9 billion in revenue in 2018.

2019 DSN全球100強(基於2018年收入)



來自瑞典的Oriflame和來自盧森堡的PM International,我們還有來自瑞典的兩位首次參會者Jakob Spikjer,代表Zinzino;來自俄羅斯的Yura Slinkin

One Global Family
Representatives from all over the world were in attendance at the Global 100 Celebration including DXN Marketing from Malaysia,
Immunotec from Canada,
Oriflame from Sweden, and PM International from Luxemburg, we also had two first time-attendees Jakob Spikjer from Sweden, representing Zinzino; and Yura Slinkin from Russia,
representing Faberlic.

  • 21家公司的淨銷售額超過10億美元。那是排名的五分之一以上。這21家公司的總收入為550億美元。
  • 前十家公司的總收入為408億美元。
  • 在今年的排名中,有23家中端市場公司(市值在3億美元至10億美元之間)。五家公司的資產規模超過7億美元,另外五家的資產規模超過50萬美元。
  • 排名前100位的公司在2018年的總收入達到756億美元。其中有20家在過去一年中增長了1億美元或更多的公司。
  • 18家公司首次出現在全球100強名單中,其中包括來自巴西,韓國,台灣,德國,馬來西亞和瑞典的公司。
  • 21 companies achieved more than $1 billion in net sales. That’s more than one-fifth of the ranking. Collectively, these 21 companies generated $55 billion for the year.
  • The top 10 companies were responsible for $40.8 billion in combined revenue.
  • There are 23 mid-market companies—those between $300 million and $1 billion—on this year’s ranking. Five companies are above $700 million, and another five above the half-million mark.
  • Collectively, the 100 companies in the ranking achieved $75.6 billion for 2018. Among those companies are 20 that grew by $100 million or more in the past year.
  • 18 companies are making their first appearance on the Global 100 list, including companies from Brazil, Korea, Taiwan, Germany, Malaysia, and Sweden.

2019 DSN Global 100 (Based On 2018 Revenue)

The Bravo Awards

The Global 100 have plenty to celebrate this year:


每年,DSN全球100週年慶典都會表彰一位直銷主管,其卓越的領導才能將他或她的公司推向了新的高度。今年獲得了布拉沃領導力獎,斯特拉和點創始人傑西卡·赫林(Jessica Herrin)的目標是通過創造現代的家庭式機會,徹底改變女性的創業機會。Herrin以她深愛的祖母命名Stella&Dot,構想了一種新型公司,該公司將使當今忙碌的女性在她們熱衷的職業中獲得無與倫比的成功和平衡。憑藉不可抗拒的產品,創新技術的使用以及出色的個人服務,誕生了行之有效的賺錢方式和個人成功的秘訣,赫林成為了舉世公認的領導者。2014年,Herrin進一步擴大了公司的使命,即在她創立Stella&Dot家族品牌時,為每位女性提供個性化的生活方式。“品牌家族”擴展了旗艦產品Stella&Dot配件系列的範圍,為女性提供

“我很幸運能夠擁有一支創新團隊,他們永不止步於桂冠,從不僅僅假設去年的工作將在明年工作,或者讓我們來到這裡的人將使我們在這個快節奏的世界中前進變化的世界。他們真的很勇敢,而且能發揮如此的作用。”無法參加全球100週年慶典的赫林在預先錄製的視頻消息中說。Stella&Dot品牌家族董事長邁克·洛納(Mike Lohner)代表赫林(Herrin)接受了布拉沃(Bravo)領導獎。他說:“如果領導力是鼓舞人心,那就去做更多的事情,去做更多的事情,去學習更多的知識,去感受更多的東西,去愛更多,為了變得更多,那麼傑西卡·赫林(Jessica Herrin)是這個獎項的真正合格接收者。作為她的伴侶和朋友,我感到非常幸運。我懷疑您才剛剛開始了解Stella&

BRAVO終身成就獎旨在表彰為直銷社區做出一生非凡專業貢獻的個人,這一成就將世世代代感動。今年頒獎的是DSN的前出版商,Bravo終身成就獎的首位獲得者John Fleming。今年的獲獎者斯坦·弗雷德里克(Stan Fredrick)擔任直銷協會和直銷教育基金會的主席或董事會成員已有30多年了。他親自領導了直銷教育基金會的發展委員會,並為該基金會的資本運動籌集了超過1200萬美元的資金。弗雷德里克(Fredrick)是幾家直銷公司的主要股東,目前是Mannatech董事會主席,並且是五家社區銀行的創始股東。1940年代,他的父親第一次出售炊具,而母親則出售了美容產品以補充家庭收入,這是他第一次接觸直銷。後來,他和他的兄弟約翰(John)進入大學,賣炊具。實際上,弗雷德里克(Fredrick)在16歲就開始了他的第一筆直銷業務後僅兩週,就賺了足夠的錢來買車,而且對直銷的無限樂觀和信念從未消失。從那以後,Fredrick一直是該行業的不懈倡導者。

弗雷德里克說:“這一獎項“表彰了我們所知道的是推動和使我們成為個人,並使我們的公司前進並取得成就的事物。” “像梯子一樣,從一個水平移動到另一個水平。梯子的梯級不是要站著,而是要一隻腳扶住另一隻腳向高處移動,這就是我們在直銷中所做的工作-我們幫助人們爬上梯子的梯級而不是停留在梯級上,而是向上移動,向前。”

回顧自己在直銷業64年的經歷,弗雷德里克(Fredrick)說,他想到了已故的奧地利精神病學家,大屠殺倖存者維克多·弗蘭克(Viktor Frankl),他說:“如果理由足夠強大,那麼結果將如何,我認為這就是我們的目的。在這項業務中發現的。我們有一種方式-我們的直銷業如何。這是我64年以來的工作方式,我別無選擇。” “我們有很大的機會來發展和擴展這項業務,並且我希望在展望直銷的未來時,我們不會忘記我們真正的商業模式就是分享機會。這是關於幫助人們開辦自己的生意,並擁有開辦自己的生意和做自己的事情的自由。我很久以前發現,如果我要買東西,只需要再賣一套炊具,再招一個人,再下線,再買一家公司……總有其他辦法可以使公司發展。因此,當您開始考慮自己的未來時,我喜歡考慮孔子所說的話。他說:“如果您計劃一年的繁榮,請種植穀物。如果您計劃10年的繁榮,請種樹。如果您計劃100年實現繁榮,就可以培養人。” 這就是我們行業的美麗。如果我們永遠不會忘記它,並且我們會不斷發展,招聘和發展人才,那麼我們將繼續作為一個行業蓬勃發展,並將繼續為世界各地的人們提供幫助。” '如果您計劃一年的繁榮,請種植穀物。如果您計劃10年的繁榮,請種樹。如果您計劃100年實現繁榮,就可以培養人。” 這就是我們行業的美麗。如果我們永遠不會忘記它,並且我們會不斷發展,招聘和發展人才,那麼我們將繼續作為一個行業蓬勃發展,並將繼續為世界各地的人們提供幫助。” '如果您計劃一年的繁榮,請種植穀物。如果您計劃10年的繁榮,請種樹。如果您計劃100年實現繁榮,就可以培養人。” 這就是我們行業的美麗。如果我們永遠不會忘記它,並且我們會不斷發展,招聘和發展人才,那麼我們將繼續作為一個行業蓬勃發展,並將繼續為世界各地的人們提供幫助。”

今年,DSN首次認可了兩家公司的Bravo增長獎。第一名獲勝者MyDailyChoice / HempWorx,是一家位於拉斯維加斯的公司,在短短兩年的經營中取得了驚人的增長。利用雲技術削減開銷成本,並利用消費者對大麻衍生產品的日益增長的興趣,該公司的銷售額從2017年的1000萬美元增長到2018年的1億美元,增長了900%。首席運營官凱瑟琳·厄爾(Kathleen Earle)代表創始人喬什(Josh)和珍娜(Zenna Zwagil)接受了這一享有盛譽的表彰,他們因第一個孩子即將到來而無法參加活動。她分享了Zwagils如何創辦公司並從頭開始建立公司的故事,這得益於Josh作為頂級直銷員的經驗以及他對薪酬計劃的了解,以及Jenna在建立關係和指導他人方面的實力。“他們通過會員建立了會員公司。會員喜歡他們-他們相信他們,他們跟隨他們,並且他們還在繼續建立。我們已經有瞭如此巨大的增長率,但是今年我們有望再次使我們的銷售額翻三番。”

第二位Bravo Growth Award獲獎者是位於紐約的Color Street,它提供了大量的色彩和美甲設計,並且在過去一年中以驚人的881%的速度增長,從2017年的1200萬美元增長到2018年的1.19億美元。創始人兼首席執行官Fa Park他的團隊接受了該獎項。從舞台上,樸先生反思了他公司的成立。他說:“製作指甲油膜的想法非常簡單。” 1984年,帕克在紐約市的一次交通擁堵中被困時,在附近一輛出租車中發現一名婦女試圖擦亮指甲。在那短暫的時刻,Park想知道是否有一種更簡單的方法來塗指甲油。沒有任何化學藥品可以生產這種產品,也不一定有市場,但是Park並沒有因此而嚇退。

儘管沒有工程,化學,研究和開發或直銷的背景,但有抱負的歌劇歌手Park放棄了有前途的音樂事業,並在接下來的17年中研究,研究和開發瞭如何製作100%的指甲油電影不同於業界以往所見。幾位知名人士都與他接觸,他們想直接購買他的技術或公司。帕克回憶說:“經過10、12、15年的努力以及數百萬的淚珠,我很窮。” “有些報價很有吸引力,但我的願景不是賺錢。我的遠見是,我該如何將這種產品推向世界?” 在2016年,他做出了決定成立直銷公司的重要決定。他說,繼去年取得了驚人的增長之後,到2019年底,色彩街的收入預計將超過2億美元。

Each year, the DSN Global 100 celebration recognizes a direct selling executive whose exceptional leadership qualities have propelled his or her company to extraordinary new heights. This year’s recipient of the Bravo Leadership Award, Stella & Dot Founder Jessica Herrin, had the goal of revolutionizing entrepreneurial opportunities for women by creating a modern home-based opportunity. Naming Stella & Dot after her beloved grandmothers, Herrin envisioned a new kind of company that would allow today’s busy women to achieve unparalleled success and balance through a career they were passionate about. Thanks to irresistible products, use of innovative technology, and exceedingly personal service, a proven formula for passionate earning and personal success was born, and Herrin became a nationally recognized leader. In 2014, Herrin further broadened the company’s mission of giving every woman the means to individually style her life when she launched Stella & Dot Family Brands. Expanding beyond the flagship Stella & Dot line of accessories, the Family of Brands gives women
greater opportunity to create a flexible social selling business opportunity that more precisely fits their goals as Independent Business Owners. To date, the company has paid out more than $500 million in commissions to more than 50,000 independent business owners in six countries.

“I’m so lucky to have a team of innovators that never rest on their laurels and never just assume that what worked last year is going to work next year, or what got us here is going to get us there in this fast-paced world of change. They’re truly brave, and they make such an impact,” said Herrin, who was unable to attend the Global 100 Celebration, in a pre-recorded video message. Stella & Dot Family of Brands Chairman Mike Lohner, who accepted the Bravo Leadership Award on Herrin’s behalf, said that “If leadership is about inspiring people, to dream more, to do more, to learn more, to feel more, to love more and to become more, then Jessica Herrin is a really qualified recipient of this award. I feel extraordinarily lucky to be her partner and friend. I suspect you’ve only begun to see what the Stella & Dot Family of Brands will do and become.”

The BRAVO Lifetime Achievement Award honors an individual who has made a lifetime of extraordinary professional contributions to the direct selling community that will be felt for generations to come. Presenting the award this year was John Fleming, former publisher of DSN and the very first recipient of the Bravo Lifetime Achievement Award. This year’s honoree, Stan Fredrick, has either chaired or been a board member of both the Direct Selling Association and Direct Selling Education Foundation for more than 30 years. He personally led the Direct Selling Education Foundation’s Development committee and led the effort to raise more than $12 million for the foundation’s capital campaign. Fredrick is the major shareholder in several direct selling companies, is currently Chairman of the Board at Mannatech, and was founding shareholder of five community banks. He was first introduced to direct selling in the 1940s when his father sold cookware and his mother sold beauty products to supplement the family income. Later, he and his brother, John, put themselves through college selling cookware; in fact, Fredrick earned enough to buy a car just two weeks after starting his first direct sales business at 16, and that boundless optimism and belief in direct sales has never worn off. Fredrick has been a tireless advocate of the industry ever since.

This award “honors what we all know is the thing that drives and makes us as individuals and makes our companies go and that’s achievement,” Fredrick said. “Moving from one level to the next, like a ladder. The rung of the ladder is not to stand on but just to hold one foot while the other one moves higher, and that’s what we do in direct selling—we help people get on the rung of the ladder and not stay there but move upwards and onwards.”

Reflecting on his 64 years in the direct selling industry, Fredrick said he thought of something the late Viktor Frankl, Austrian psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor, once said: “If the why is strong enough, the how will come, and I think that’s what we found out in this business. We have a how—our how is the direct selling industry. That’s been my how for 64 years, and I can’t think of doing anything else.” “We have a great opportunity to grow this business and expand it, and I hope that as we look at the future of direct selling, we won’t forget that our true business model is about sharing the opportunity. It’s about helping people have their own business and have the freedom of starting their own business and doing their own things. I found out a long time ago that if I want something, all if have to do is sell one more set of cookware, recruit one more person, start one more downline, buy one more company…there’s always something else that can be done to make this business grow. So as you begin to think about your future, I like to think about what Confucius said. He said, ‘If you plan prosperity for a year, plant grain. If you plan prosperity for 10 years, grow trees. If you plan prosperity for 100 years, grow people.’ And that’s the beauty of our industry. If we never forget it and we keep growing, recruiting and developing people, we will continue to thrive as an industry, and we will continue to help people around the world.”

For the first time this year, DSN recognized two companies with the Bravo Growth Award. The first winner, MyDailyChoice/HempWorx, is a Las Vegas-based company that has achieved astounding growth in just two years in business. Using cloud technology to cut overhead costs and taking advantage of ever-growing consumer interest in hemp-derived products, this company saw sales increase from $10 million in 2017 to $100 million in 2018 – a growth of 900 percent. Chief Operating Officer Kathleen Earle was in attendance to accept this prestigious recognition on behalf of founders Josh and Jenna Zwagil, who were unable to attend the event due to the impending arrival of their first child. She shared the story of how the Zwagils started their company and built it from the ground up, leaning on Josh’s experience as a top direct seller and his knowledge of compensation plans, and Jenna’s strength in building relationships and mentoring others. “They’ve built a company of affiliates by affiliates. And the affiliates love them—they believe them, they follow them, and they just continue to build. We’ve had this huge growth rate, but we’re on track this year to triple our sales again.”

The second Bravo Growth Award honoree, New York based Color Street, offers a vast array of colors and nail art design and grew an incredible 881 percent over the last year, from $12 million in 2017 to $119 million in 2018. Founder and CEO Fa Park and his team accepted the award. From the stage, Park reflected on his company’s beginnings. “It started with a very simple idea to make a nail polish film,” he said. In 1984 while stuck in a traffic jam in New York City, Park spotted a woman in a nearby cab trying to polish her nails. In that fleeting moment, Park wondered if there was an easier way to apply nail color. There wasn’t any chemistry to produce that product, nor was there necessarily a market, but Park wasn’t deterred.

Despite having no background in engineering, chemistry, research and development, or direct sales, Park, an aspiring opera singer, gave up a promising career in music and spent the next 17 years studying, researching and developing how to create a 100 percent nail polish film unlike anything the industry had seen before. He was approached by several big names who wanted to buy his technology or his company outright. “After 10, 12, 15 years of my effort, and my millions of teardrops, I was poor,” Park recalled. “Some offers were very attractive, but my vision wasn’t money. My vision was, how can I deliver this product to the world?” In 2016 he made the critical decision to start a direct sales company. Following last year’s phenomenal growth, he said, Color Street is expected to reach more than $200 million in revenue by the end of 2019.




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#bod.e 關鍵字

#奇膳元素 ,#SOD, #酵素 ,#Surprise ,#膠原淨亮酵素包 ,#便秘 

能量飲料,#熬夜,#提神,#紅牛,#可口可樂,#年輕人,#ypr,#你累了嗎?,#不讓你睡,#康貝特,#蠻牛,#白馬,#馬力夯,#redbull,#汽水,#打牌,#麻將,#咖啡因,#天然,#水果,#碳酸飲料,#酒精,#考生,#開車,#少林寺,#精神百倍,#偉恩,#death wish,#,#綠茶,#天然食補,#老虎牙子,#恍神,#精神不濟,#保肝茶,#黃蓮,#降火氣,#保力達B,#夜貓子,#瓜拿納,#人參,#B,#消除疲勞,#機能飲料,#黑麥汁,#偉士比,#大丈夫,#疲勞,#超時工作,#爆肝,#精力湯,#雞精,#勞力,#雞尾酒,#打瞌睡,#威豹,#5 hour energy,#昏沉,#牛磺酸,#贩卖机



#Verve Blod ,

#Verve ReMIX,#美白,#膠原蛋白,#美容,#美女,#帥哥,#年輕,#脈衝光,#激活,#skII,#美顏,#亮白,#光亮,#白皙,#透光,#晶瑩,#晶瑩涕透,#化妝品,#歐雷,#護膚,

#Verve Mojoe ,#咖啡,#椰奶,#阿拉比卡,#羅布絲塔,#arabica,#robusta,

#Verve PARTEA,#水果茶,

#Verve Zero Sugar,#無糖





#酵素,#SLIM#vmalife  #velixir , #runu , #v1 ,# v2 , #vr





#美容,#保養,#抗皺,#修復,#眼膠,#肌膚,#美容儀,#玻尿酸,#三效精華液,#金萃類胎盤素,#逆齡精華,#玫瑰果杍,#活膚潔面乳,#Q10復活爽膚水,#蜂蜜潤澤,#去角質凝膠,#水活深成層,#保濕凝露,#水漾防護,#隔離霜,#SPF30 PA+++#煥膚,#光彩,#夜間,#面膜,#抗皺修復眼膠,#瞬效活顏緊緻霜,#左旋C亮白精華液,#HGF青春精華液﹑












#zinzino #魚油,#聖希諾,#瑞典,#北歐,#EPA#DHA#omega-3#顧心臟、#抗發炎、#變聰明、#防憂鬱,#亞麻籽油

在家工作 | 網路創業 | 如新 | 安麗 | 慢性病 | 防老 | 營養計畫 | 肝病 | 癌症 | 痛風 | 賀 寶 芙 | 財富第五波 | 兼差 | 媽媽兼職 | 全職媽媽 | 退休金 | 窮爸爸富爸爸 | 持續性收入 | 被動收入 | 家庭計畫 | 媽媽可以在家做的工作 | vemma | 維瑪 | 聯盟營銷 | 網路營銷 | 聯盟行銷 | 網路行銷 | 傳銷 | 直銷 | 聯盟行銷 | 策略行銷 | 行銷 | 葳美佳 | vmalife | 退休方式 | 引薦計畫 | 加盟展 | 創業平台 | soho創業 | 事業計畫 | 加盟創業 | 創業商機 | 兼職創業 | 賺錢平台 | 在家創業 | 網路平台 | SOHO族 | 宅經濟 | 在家創業 | 部落格賺錢 | soho | 財務自由 | 財務計劃 | 自在生活 | 百萬年薪 | 富裕生活 | 快速致富 | 秘密 | 成功 | 網創 | 網路工作 | 網絡商機 | 網路創業 | 網絡生意 | 網路事業 | 網絡賺錢 | 網賺 | 網路開店 | 網絡創業 | 網絡商機 | 網路空間 | 網絡營銷 | 低成本行銷 | 低成本創業 | 小本創業 | 小額加盟 | 打工 | 兼職收入 | 兼職機會 | 兼職加薪 | 替自己加薪 | 打工賺錢 | 兼職 | 兼職創業 | 商業資訊 | 加盟開店 | 賺錢方法 | 旅行 | 職場第二春 | 事業經營 | 免費試用 | 電子商務 | 人生規劃 | 加盟小吃攤 | 當老板 | 自由 | 宅經濟 | 系統跟進 | 健康 | 財富 | 自由 | 退休計畫 | 痞克邦 | 月光族 | 職場甘苦談 | 額外收入 | 投資 | 全球事業 | 科士威 | 保健 | 癌症 | GDI | 雲端事業 | 賺錢 | 投資理財 | 退休計畫 | 業務 | 兼職工作 | 賺錢系統 | 減重 | 減肥 | 致富方法 | 玫琳凱 | 投資理財 | 股市 | 房地產 | 羅伯特.T.清崎 | 創業 | 吸引力法則 | 保健食品 | 旅遊 | 自由行 | 綠加利 | 基金 | 專業技術 | 期貨 | 黃金 | 賀寶芙 | 雙鶴 | 康寶萊 | 丞燕 | 加盟體系 | 找工作 | 104人力銀行 | 1111人力銀行 | 518人力銀行 | 永久 | 雅芳 | 克麗緹娜 | 營養補給 | 財富革命 | 批貨大街 | 批貨網 | 在家工作系統 | 在家創業系統 | 在家兼職工作 | 加盟 | 網路加盟 | 加盟事業 | 網路直銷 | 美樂家 | 創業投資 | 傳直銷 | 體重控制 | 減肥 | 減重 | 連鎖加盟 | 女生創業 | 家庭代工 | 創業網 | 免費試用 | 網路商店 | 如何創業 | 青年創業 | 微型創業 | 網路商店系統 | 大陸創業 | 代理加盟 | 代理商 | 尋找加盟商 | 如何開店 | 如何網路開店 | 加盟展 | 創業展 | 小額加盟 | yes123 | 羅伯特.T.清崎 | 副業 | 負債翻身 | 網拍 | 美安 | 國民年金 | USANA | 山竹果 | 保健產品 | 生涯規劃 | 保養 | 打造人生財富 | 第一桶金 | 求職轉職 | 防癌抗老 | 居家網路事業 | 數位行銷 | 關鍵字行銷 | 免加盟金 | 求職轉職 | 自動印鈔機 | 美樂家 | 兼差達人 | 招聘 | 24小時系統 | 網路傳直銷 | 抗癌 | 電子商務 | 終生收入 | 免推銷在家工作機會 | 在家工作賺錢 | 網路拍賣 | 如何利用網路賺錢 | 網路行銷 新趨勢 | 如何網路創業 | 網路商店平台 | 網路賺錢自動化 | 在家兼職工作 | 網路創業課程 | 兼差打工 | 創業顧問 | 在家工作系統 | 網路商店經營 | 加盟開店 | 購物 | 批貨 | 小禮堂網路商店 | 如何網路開店 | 雅芳 | 如何開網路商店 | 網路創業包 | 順發3c購物網 | usana | 85度c加盟 | avon | 591 | 免費加盟 | 在家工作創業系統 | 美商gdi | 網賺論壇 | new skin | wfh在家工作系統 | 賀寶芙討論 | 打工機會 | 賀寶芙含鉛 | 創業心得 | 如何賺大錢 | 安麗直銷 | 批貨創業 | 打工網 | 中年失業 | 賀寶芙台灣分公司 | herbalife賀寶芙 | 批發 | google adsense 賺錢 | 餐飲加盟店 | google adsense | 富邦momo | 購物中心 | 在家打工 | 開店達人 | momo 購物台 | 交友 | 拍賣 | 租屋網 | 創業計畫書範例 | 網路商店架設 | 免費網路商店 | 部落格行銷 | 網路賺錢工具大全 | 598 | 免費 | QSTR | 增加收入 | 美容加盟 | 加盟店 | 連鎖加盟 | 飲料加盟 | 富爸爸辭職創業 | 工作機會 | 魔獸世界 | 遊戲賺錢 | 網路開店平台 | MDC | MDCbuilder | vemmabuilder | 自動火燒系統 | 自動進人系統 | 自動行銷系統 | 網路行銷系統 | 網路創業系


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