MyDailyChoice任命James Sharkey博士為首席科學官

MyDailyChoice Appoints Dr. James Sharkey As Chief Science Officer


MyDailyChoice最近宣布聘請Jim Sharkey博士為首席科學官。

MyDailyChoice recently announced the hire of Dr. Jim Sharkey as chief science officer.


In his new role, Dr. Sharkey will oversee product formulations and new product development for all MyDailyChoice brands.


Dr. Sharkey is a veteran of the United States Naval Nuclear Power program with a specialization in Nuclear Plant and Steam Plant Water Chemistry. He graduated magna cum laude from Florida Atlantic University with a bachelor’s degree in Chemistry and Biochemistry with a research emphasis in Natural Products Chemistry. In addition, Dr. Sharkey earned a doctorate of Philosophy in Biomedical Sciences with a research emphasis in cell signaling, neuroscience and cell physiology.


“博士 Sharkey將罕見的戰略性產品配方與大麻素科學專業知識相結合,帶給我們的企業團隊。我相信,這將使我們在競爭者中獲得重要的產品優勢。” MyDailyChoice首席執行官Josh Zwagil說。

“Dr. Sharkey brings a rare combination of strategic product formulation and cannabinoid science expertise to our corporate team. I believe this will give us a significant product edge over our competitors,” said Josh Zwagil, CEO of MyDailyChoice.


Dr. Sharkey has applied his skillset to develop highly effective products in the CBD industry.

Sharkey說:“我很高興加入MyDailyChoice團隊。” “他們在優質產品方面建立了驚人的聲譽,作為首席科學官,我將利用我在大麻行業的專業知識和經驗為公司開發下一代產品。”

“I am very excited to join the MyDailyChoice team,” said Sharkey. “They have built an amazing reputation for quality products and as chief science officer, I will use my scientific expertise and experience in the hemp industry to develop the next generation of products for the company.”


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